Consultative workshop on ‘Creation of a Glossary of Khasi Words and Phrases on Reproductive Health’ December 13, 2023

Organized by Centre for GENDER, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong in collaboration with Faith Foundation, Shillong

The Centre for Gender Equity and Diversity Education and Research (GENDER), MLCU in collaboration with Faith Foundation, Shillong is organizing a Consultative workshop on ‘Creation of a Glossary of Khasi Words and Phrases for Reproductive Health’ on December 13, 2023 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

In almost all cultures and societies, conservative and rigid mindsets coupled with inadequate awareness, have set barriers in place that deter people from speaking openly about private body parts and reproductive functions. Similarly, in our Khasi culture, people in general and children in particular are not encouraged to name their sexual reproductive organs aloud let alone talking about sex and sexual reproductive health rights. Like many languages, Khasi does not have an adequate vocabulary for these. Having Khasi terms will help to address these issues better and also remove the use of slangs and slurs associated with sexual reproductive organs.

The participants for the consultative workshop are from different fields of expertise such as gynaecology, linguistics, both English and Khasi, gender specialists, health care providers, and community health care workers. This workshop is envisioned to provide a platform to initiate discussions and deliberations on deciphering Khasi equivalent terms associated with sexuality.

The objectives of the workshop are:

  1. To list the terms associated with sexuality
  2. To translate English terms pertaining to sexual reproductive health to Khasi
  3. To publish a booklet of suggested and recommended words and terms in Khasi with diagrams


On behalf of MLCU and Faith Foundation,


  1. R. Jennifer War, HoD, Centre for GENDER, MLCU, Shillong
  2. Lavinia Mawlong, Faculty, Centre for GENDER, MLCU, Shillong
  3. Shannon D. Massar, Faith Foundation, Shillong
  4. Arnicia Kharnaior, Faith Foundation, Shillong.
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