Martin Luther Christian University

Master of Science in Medical Imaging Technology (Msc MIT)

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About the programme: Medical imaging is important in virtually every facet of clinical practice and is one of the key elements in diagnosis, monitoring, and, in some cases, guiding of therapy. Using new imaging techniques, the imaging technologist can help in quicker and more accurate diagnosis of illness. Being vital members of the healthcare team, the postgraduates in medical imaging technology will be experts in the operational, quality and safety aspects of the radiological diagnostic service equipment like CT (Computerized Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Duration: 1 ½ years + 6 months’ internship)

Eligibility: BSc Medical Imaging Technology with Internship\

Course Outline

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                Semester I Subject Code Subject Title Credits Hours
Theory Practicum
MMIT 500 Management & Planning of a Radiology & Imaging Department including national & international guidelines. 2 30
MMIT 501 Radiological and Imaging Procedures-I 2 30
MMIT 502 Human Values and work ethics 2 30
MMIT 503 Advanced Physics of Radiology & Imaging I 2 30
MMIT 504 Clinical Posting-I 6 180
MMIT 505 Radiation Safety and Protection- AERB guidelines 2 30
GS500 General Subject Gender Sexuality and Society in NE 1 1 45
MMIT 506 Visualizing the Living Body: Diagnostic Imaging 1 15
MMIT 507 Life health and Radiation 1 15
Winter Posting 90
Total 13 7 495
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            Semester II Subject Code Subject Title Credits Hours
Theory Practicum
MMIT 550 Radiological and Imaging Procedures-II 1 15
MMIT 551 Modern Imaging Techniques including Fusion and hybrid imaging technologies I 2 30
MMIT 552 Advanced Physics of Radiology & Imaging II 2 30
MMIT 553 Clinical Posting-II 8 240
MMIT 554 Intervention Radiological Techniques and Care of Patients -I 1 15
MMIT 555 Basic Teaching and Learning 1 15
MMIT 556 Research Methodology I 1 15
MMIT 557 Entrepreneur Development 2 30
MMIT 558 Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging 1 15
MMIT 559 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) 1 15
CA650 General Subjects Current Affairs 1 1 45
Total 13 9 465
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                Semester III Subject Code Subject Title Credits Hours
Theory Practicum
MMIT 600 Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Diagnostic Radiology and Imaging 1 15
MMIT 601 Newer Developments in Advanced Imaging Technology 2 30
MMIT 602 Modern Imaging Techniques including Fusion and hybrid imaging technologies II 1 15
MMIT 603 Teaching Practice. 2 30
MMIT 604 Clinical Posting   6 180
MMIT 605 Intervention Radiological Techniques and Care of Patients -II 2 30
MMIT 606 MRI Fundamentals 1 15
MMIT 607 Myocardial Infarction 1 15
MMIT 608 Biology of Cancer 2 30
MMIT 609 Research Methodology-II 2 30
Winter Posting 90
Community Outreach (Health Camp) 5
Total 14 6 485
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  Semester IV Subject Code Subject Title Credits Hours
Theory Practicum
MMIT 650 Internship 20 600
MMIT 651 Dissertation 4 120
Total 4 20 720
   Total credits & hours from Semester I to Semester VI = 86 credits & 2165 hours.
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